How I Met Your Mother: The Mermaid Theory (2010)
Season 6, Episode 11
Where Was Bob Saget??
26 January 2015
Bob Saget didn't do the voice over for this episode, and as a result this episode feels disjointed.

Plot In A Paragtaph: Ted feels awkward hanging about with Zoe, so he tries to befriend her husband "The Captain", who invites him to go for a moonlit ride on his boat, meanwhile Robin and Marshall try to spend some time alone together, while Barney and Lilly fall out.

Normally any episode that features the brilliant Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson front and centre, automatically raises the quality of the episode. Sadly this is not the case here, as his storyline is very silly.

I'm disappointed Zoe keeps coming back, and the show is obviously leading towards her being a love interest for Ted. I didn't think I'd dislike a love interest for Ted, as much as I disliked Stella. But Zoe is ridiculously annoying. Nobody for me has topped Victoria (the delightful Ashley Williams) from season 1.
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