Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Game (1991)
Season 5, Episode 6
An odd case where the young people are disgusted by all the adults playing videogames!
22 November 2014
When the show begins, you learn that Wesley is on leave from Starfleet Academy and will soon be coming to visit. As for Riker, he's doing what he ALWAYS does--trying to get his groove on with an alien lady. However, instead of doing the nasty, she slips a video game headpiece on his head and instantly Riker is addicted. In fact, he's SO addicted that he brings more of these devices aboard and soon just about everyone is playing 'the game'. So, into this weird environment arrives Wesley and he and his new girlfriend (a very young and adorable Ashley Judd) are alarmed at how much time is being used by players in this game. Additionally, Wesley examines one of these gaming devices and finds out that it is deliberately addictive. But what can these two do---just about everyone aboard is hooked and serving some new overlords!

This is a cute turn--seeing two young people who don't want to play videogames and all the adults hooked! The plot is original and clever and worth seeing.
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