Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Superior Series
17 November 2014
Not sure why it took me so long to discover this fascinating look at gangsters around London, I'm just glad it was recommended for me on Netflix. This is a combination of everything I want from a series.

The scenery is striking: beautiful and grimy. Most notable are the flashes of fire along the streets. I find the period clothing to be interesting and lovely, although I cannot verify it's accuracy.

Music selections are varied and generally, in my opinion, outstanding. I have found myself searching for some to purchase.

Every performance is really superior. Some standouts are Cillian Murphy, Hellen McCrory and Paul Anderson. The only actor I find a bit jarring is Sam Neill. And that's not a knock on his acting, only that I think he takes his evil so far it makes me uncomfortable.

Highly recommend this if you like the gangster genre and don't mind the violence. Also, if you are a fan of the, Good that is evil and Bad that isn't, sort of thing, this is for you. Even if you have to look away at moments, the blue eyes of C. Murphy can pull you through. Mesmerizing.
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