Project Runway: All Dolled Up (2005)
Season 2, Episode 3
All Dolled Up (#2.3)
13 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode the designers have to create an outfit for a big fashion icon. And as turns out it is Barbie! They also have to replicate the outfit and the winner one will be sold with designer's picture and name on the box. The inner is Nick and the designer to leave is Raymundo Baltazar.

Well the idea as absolutely fun! As a girl I also played with Barbie and I can imagine how fun it was to design clothes for her. Santino is really not a guy who I want to root for right now. Such a sore loser, and not even a loser! But so petty! I am happy Nick won, he had a fresh and original outfit. While Santino's as beautiful, it was "too Barbie" I must say, it lacked originality.

Didn't really agree with the judges about the lower 3. Andrae has created an awesome outfit. To me it was one of the best, very great for a doll too. And them being against him not putting a blonde wig on his model...really? He was 100% right. Marla's outfit was gorgeous. I have no idea what they had against the color and believed it not being "young enough". I loved that color more as a kid than I do now....Raymundo's dress was also beautiful, although I kind of agree with him being the one to go. This is mainly because I liked all the outfits. In his case it was that jacket that was a bit out of place. I looked up his name and can't find too much about him, but seems like he stayed in fashion, which is good.
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