Its all coming true
20 July 2014
Russia issues and antagonism - ignored. Debt - ignored. Taking out serious threats like Iran's nuke program - ignored. Letting Israel stand alone. Funding and helping terrorist "rebels" in the middle east. Using all facets of government to target and attempt to destroy enemies (i.e. conservatives). Tax grabs while the economy is in ruins coupled with bald faced lies about the unemployment rate. Allowing massive illegal immigration - ignoring the problem.

Corruption on a scale typically associated with banana republics. Brain washing of our youth (seems Germany did that in the 30s too). Playing the race card any time anyone disagrees with anything this admin does.

Massive expansion of federal government. Violations of the constitution (example - the recess appointment issue). Ignoring the judicial system and their right to subpoena people for special hearings (happening right now).

How can anyone with a brain not see the truth here?
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