Review of Evolution

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Evolution (1989)
Season 3, Episode 1
Writers made one character so irritating that it ruined the episode.
17 March 2014
In this episode, the first show of season three, Wesley class project goes wrong when he accidentally releases some small nanos (bug like) items throughout the Enterprise. What is happening is that the nanos are eating the ships computer and making the Enterprise perform in an awkward manner. Getting rid of the nanos is very simple but Picard believes that this may be a new life form and will not harm the nanos until more is learned. But communicating with the nanos will take some very odd turn when Data is used as a voice for the small bug-like items.

There is also another situation on board when the Federation sends Dr. Paul Stubbs on a mission to a star that is set to explode. Mr Stubbs lifetime work has been on this subject and now the nanos may make his life's work for naught. Stubbs is against protecting the nanos as it will halt something he will never again experience in his lifetime.

Ken Jenkins plays the stiff Doctor Stubbs but it seems that the writers made the character quite irritating. Why in the world Captain Picard let him in all the commander's meeting is beyond comprehension. The character was snobby, bitter and uninteresting. The character sucked most of the entertainment value out of the story making the episode less interesting. Due to its complicated conception this was not the best episode to start the season. Not one of the better episodes.
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