Poor Barney Bear
23 August 2013
"Cobs and Robbers" is an enjoyable installment of one of MGM's lesser cartoon character, Barney Bear. Barney had already been around since 1944 but never caught on with the public--and only made ten cartoons. To me, he seemed like MGM was trying to base the character on Wallace Beery--with nearly identical facial expressions, voice and figure.

In this cartoon, Barney is a frustrated farmer. Crows have discovered his corn field and are running amok eating his crop. In desperation, he hires a BIZARRE scarecrow named Joe to police the place. Little does he know that Joe is, in fact, a couple of crows in disguise. All in all, mildly amusing and with decent MGM animation quality. Not a great cartoon by any standard, and there's nothing that unique or funny about this one, but enjoyable and a nice break from Tom & Jerry.
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