The Iceman Cometh
27 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** We already know that the mysterious Doctor Jaun Munos, Henry Darrow, is already dead and buried in that we see at the beginning on the "Night Gallary: episode his good friend Agatha Howard, Barbara Rush, making her annual visit to his graveside. But how he died and the circumstances surrounding his death is as they say in old neighborhood "One for the Books".

Visiting Dr. Munos who was a good friend of her father a professor at MIT Agatha is stunned to find him living in a cold storage apartment with the temperature never going over 50 degrees. Well read elegant and likable Dr. Munos has this hang up about living forever as long as he or his body is kept in the cold. Agatha puts up with Dr. Munos weirdness just to hear him out about life death and all that's in between that he's obvious an expert in. What she doesn't realize is that he's far weirder then she can ever imagine! And it's a power shortage in Dr. Munos apartment that fully brings that, how weird he is, up to the surface.

***SPOILER*** In the end Dr. Munos is finally forced to face reality in that life, like the refrigeration unit he has in his apartment, can't last forever. Needing ice to stay alive as his body is slowly decomposing Dr. Munos's fight to stay alive and breathing is a losing battle even with the ice man's, Karl Lukas, desperate attempt to keep him alive by his back breaking hurling over 300 pounds of ice in his apartment as the broiling summer temperature melted it as fast as he delivered it. It doesn't take long for Dr. Munos to meet his maker as his organs started to decompose as he became the rotted corpse that he so successfully avoided to become for the last 10 years.
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