A Superb Work Of Film Art
31 January 2013
Silent cinema made in the now extinct U.S.R.R. drew from the cultural richness of its many republics. The Ukrainian silent cinema for example contributed much to the history of cinematography and though confined in the U.S.S.R. film industry it maintained a strong cultural identity.

For this reason it is always very appreciated to discover forgotten oeuvres from that country and period that from time to time resurface from dusty vaults. Such is the case with "Nichnyi Viznyk" ( The Night Coachman ), directed by Herr Georgi Tasin in the silent year of 1928, This is a remarkable film and a great achievement of Ukrainian silent cinema but we have very little information on either the film or its director who had only a brief career in the cinema.

This is a psychological drama ( it says so in the film credits ) about a night coachman in the city of Odessa during the end of the civil war when the city was occupied by the Whites. Old Herr Gordey ( Herr Amvrosi Buchma ) spent most of his life as a night coachman. He lives with his daughter Frau Katia ( Frau Mariya Dyusimetyer ), who belongs to an underground Bolshevik organization printing subversive leaflets and is involved with a revolutionary young man, Herr Boris ( Herr Karlo Tomsky ). Herr Gordey doesn't share his daughter 's revolutionary fervor so when his daughter's comrade friend hides in the attic of his house, the night coachman denounces him to the Whites, without imagining that due to a tragic whim of destiny, it will be his daughter arrested instead of the Bolshevik Boris.

The daily life of Herr Gordey ( namely, the night life… ) is depicted with careful and fascinating cinematography creating a gloomy atmosphere appropriate for a time of dangerous political uncertainty. The relationship between father and daughter is complicated; they are devoted to each other but still maintain their secrets. The distance between their beliefs leads to the drama and suffering of the story and the personal tragedy that follows. Herr Gordey superbly shows the harsh daily life that is encircled by treacherous politics.

The film is full of excellent sequences including one that moved this stiff German count to the bones: the arrest of Katie and the lyrical atonement that follows. Odessa itself is a main character in the movie and seems sinister and menacing, a perfect setting for spy vs. spy. Herr Buchma's powerful performance demonstrates why he is considered one of the best Ukrainian actors.

"Nichnyi Viznyk" is a superb work of film art, a thrilling and beautiful gem, an unknown oeuvre that must be discovered by any silent film fan that will certainly enjoy Herr Tasin's incredibly film mastery, together with Herr Buchma absolutely brilliant and moving performance.

And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must take a night coach in order to go from the Schloss north wing to the south one.

Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien http://ferdinandvongalitzien.blogspot.com
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