Review of Assassin

Homicide: Assassin (1973)
Season 10, Episode 22
Murder of a Cop
24 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
HOMICIDE – Assassin – 1973 – This episode from the long running Australian Police series, Homicide, was only the 8th one shot in colour. This 1964 to 77 series pumped out 510 episodes.

It is the last couple of days on the Homicide squad for Detective Leonard Teale. He has been promoted to Inspector and transferred to lead a new unit.

The squad receives an envelope with a picture of Teale with a bullet hole in it. They have no idea who sent the picture so they check the "just out of jail" file. Maybe someone Teale put away is seeking revenge.

The picture was sent in by a "not quite right in the head," Paul Karno. Karno is sick of everyone picking on him and calling him a loser. He is determined to become famous. He will kill a cop and get his name in the papers and on television. He only picked Teale because Teale was all over the news of late testifying at a big court case.

Karno collects books on assassination and has a scrapbook of famous killings. He has acquired a large rifle with a scope and some ammunition. He figures his name will go down in history.

Karno has picked out an apartment construction site across from the courthouse as the place to make his name the next day.

Teale and fellow Detectives, Gary Day and George Mallaby are spending the day checking suspects who might have it in for Teale.

Karno packs up his gear in a large briefcase and heads for a last check of the site. He runs into "working girl" Isobel Kirk. She talks Karno into joining her for the afternoon. "Reasonable rates" she coos. Karno agrees and follows Kirk to her small apartment. Sex is the last thing on Karno's, mind. He just wants to talk to someone. Kirk is game as long as Karno keeps handing over the cash. Karno drones on for hours about how unfair life is etc. "But all that will change tomorrow! I will do something that will make me the talk of the country!" He snarls. Kirk just smiles and tunes him out.

Kirk fixes a meal for the two after which Karno falls asleep. The next morning, Kirk, an entertaining young lass, goes through Karno's briefcase. She discovers the rifle and Karno's murder scrapbook with a newspaper cutting of Teale. She quickly puts two and two together and bolts out the door. She heads for the nearest phone booth to call the Police. The Police send Detectives Day and Mallaby for a look.

However, by the time the Detectives raid the apartment, our man Karno has woken up and left with his gear for his appointment with murder.

They call Teale at the squad room to say they missed Karno. Teale, who was just leaving for court, tells them to put out an all points on Karno.

Teale's boss, Inspector John Fegan, decides to ride with Teale to the courthouse.

By the time Teale and Fegan arrive at court, Karno is well placed for his shot at fame. Karno takes his shot but hits Fegan in error. Fegan collapses back into the car, dead. Teale radios the shooting in, then beats the feet across the street with gun in hand.

Teale quickly corners Karo whose rifle has jammed. The furious Teale walks slowly up to Karo with his pistol aimed right between Karno's eyes. As he cocks the weapon, Karno falls to the ground crying for his life. Teale looks at him for a minute, then, holsters his pistol.

This is a pretty good episode in my humble opinion. This was the first episode of the series I've seen in colour. I must admit I prefer b/w, over colour. (colour)
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