Homeland: A Gettysburg Address (2012)
Season 2, Episode 6
Homeland A Gettysburg Address
4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The CIA have now set their sites on watching Roya Hammad Brody's contact with Abu Nazir. Carrie thinks she is meeting someone as the whole team watch her. Virgil and Max follow Roya with a camera. She meets with someone near a fountain with Max moving closer trying to get some audio of Roya's meeting. The team are unable to get any audio of Roya's meeting. Virgil starts to follow the man she met with. Virgil while following the man loses him at the train station. Jessica wakes Brody up in his bed asking him questions about his work with the CIA. The man has taken off his sunglasses and a photo is taken of him but to one can identify him. Carrie mentions bringing in Brody to help Identify the man. Jessica asks Brody if he was working with Carrie but he tells her that Carrie was fired. Brody is being followed by a car and becomes suspicious while dropping Dana off at school. Brody is called in by Carrie where she tells him to try identify someone from a photo.Brody does not know who he is and asks to leave. Brody tells Carrie that the man who made the vest for him is now dead. Quinn does not like what Brody told him about the dead man which leads to a screaming match. Lauder and Mike go to visit the place where Walker was found dead. Lauder still has his theories and Mike says he will use his connections to try find something out. Dana goes to the hospital and sees the body of the women she hit, she runs into the daughter of the women Finn hit. Dana starts to talk to her and feels very sorry for what she did. Saul tells Carrie he is worried about her getting back together with him, he tells her that it will not happen. Quinn and the team start to look into the shop in Gettysburg. Carrie meets with Brody before his meeting telling him to talk to Roya about the man she met with. When Mike try's to meet with his friend from the CIA he is told to see David. Mike is told not to go any further into the investigation. Brody meets with Roya who feels suspicious that the CIA are checking the shop in Gettsburg. Dana tells Finn that she went to the hospital to see the women they hit. Mike goes looking through Brody's shed as he looks for something to help him in his investigation. He finds a box of bullets with one missing. Just as Quinn comes close to something a team of men come in shooting everyone. The man take out a box from inside the wall. Quinn shot is still alive. Mike tells Jessica that he thinks Walker was killed by Brody. She tells him he is working for the CIA. Carrie forces her way into Brody's office screaming at him about the dead men in the shop. She starts to cry in his arms as he comforts her.

EPISODE GRADE: B+ (MVP: Claire Danes)
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