Tower of Terror (1997 TV Movie)
Not as good as the ride
2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I mostly enjoyed this movie, as it added some fun details to the back story of the attraction. However, I was pretty sure before I ever started watching, that it wasn't going to be especially well made. By not expecting much, I was able to get through it and even see some potential for what could have been a better movie.

The story centers on a reporter investigating the tower to finally figure out how five people disappeared 60 years ago. He's acting on a tip from an elderly woman who claims she was there and saw a witch cast the spell that caused the elevator to malfunction. We actually get a few creepy scenes that reveal that the elderly woman was the witch, and she was the sister of the child star who disappeared that night. We also get some scenes that came close to being poignant when the two sisters--one preserved as a child, one elderly--reconcile. It's too bad that much of the movie is silly and cheap looking, because the story is almost well thought out enough that it could be remade into something special. As it is, it is a light TV movie that doesn't get seen or talked about much, nor is it very memorable. Maybe someday.
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