Dog's Night Out
19 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Living on a fixed income with her beloved French Poodle Venessa middle aged and fussy Miss. Fox,Bette Davis, has her apartment buildings elevator operator Eddie, James Congdon, walk the mutt in the evening hours for $5.00 a week. Eddie who's girlfriend is in a mental institution that he's paying for is strapped for cash to keep her there and in desperation ask's the tight as a crab's a** Miss. Fox for a loan of $50.00 to keep up the monthly payments or his girlfriend would be thrown out on the street! With the penny pinching Miss. Fox refusing to lend Eddie the $50.00 and him in no mood to do any dog walking she takes Venessa out for an evening stroll, It's in an alley outside her apartment that Miss. Fox ends up getting grabbed from behind and mugged of $180.00 in cash and her precious engagement ring given to her by her fiancée a USAAF bomber pilot who 15 years ago was killed in action over the skies of Nazi occupied Europe!

With Miss. Fox sure that it was Eddie who mugged her she offers him a cool $500.00 as well as letting him keep the $180.00 in cash if he returns her engagement ring no questions asked! Feeling hurt and insulted that he's suspected of mugging her Eddie tells Miss.Fox, in so many words, to go take a hike up the Catskills Mountains wearing roller skates. Sure enough Eddie is soon arrested tried and convicted, all on Miss. Fox's testimony, and sent behind bars for two to five years for assault an robbery! While behind bars Eddie's girlfriend dies from exposure by being made homeless with Eddie not being around to take care of her!

***SPOILERS*** As things turned out Eddie was in fact found innocent when a local homeboy Jerry, Arthur Marshall, after he was arrested for mugging someone else admitted to mugging Miss. Fox as well as having her engagement ring on him. With Miss.Fox now trying to make up for what she did to Eddie, ruined his life, he in fact had other plans for her. Plans that would even the score for what she did to him which also included the $500.00 in blood money she gave Eddie as an apology!
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