Kraft Suspense Theatre: My Enemy, This Town (1964)
Season 1, Episode 15
Johnny's back in town
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** After serving seven of a ten years sentence for assault with intent to rape Johnny Baroja, Scott Marlowe, is now back in Santa Marta to start a new life as a world famous artist. Behind bars Johnny learned that he can paint and paint well and now his paintings, selling from $300.00 to $500.00 apiece, have now gotten him enough money where he doesn't have to worry about getting a job to support himself with the ex-con or mark of Cain label hanging over his head. What Johnny is really after is to get the person who accused him of assaulting her rich socialite Mary Jorgenson, Diane McBain, to admit that she framed him because he refused, in her being only 17 at the time, to marry her.

You can see right away that Mary isn't at all afraid of her accused and convicted attempted rapist Johnny Baroja in the way she interact with him every time he approaches her. Even when her husband Ben, Adam Williams,is with her. It's when Johnny starts to overstay his welcome in town, which in fact he never had, it's Ben and a couple of local thugs he hired that start to make trouble for him. In fact things get so out of hand that Johnny himself is just about to check out of town when Mary by meeting Johnny in secret at the towns exclusive golf course finally breaks down and tells him the truth in that he wasn't at all responsible in attacking her seven years ago when she just was a minor. It's later that day when Ben together with sheriff deputy Raynor, William Smith, got this bimbo, Ann Hilts, to frame Johnny in another attempted rape charge that he completely lost it and finally came to his senses and confronted his accusers in open court. Never backing off for a moment in claiming his innocence, in attacking and trying to rape the woman, things looked bad for Jonny in that he was already convicted on an assault charge against Mary Jorgenson seven years ago.

***SPOILERS*** Just when it looked like curtains for Johnny who was now, in being a possible two time loser,facing as much as 15 to 20 years behind bars that non other then Mary Jorgenson whom he was convicted of raping seven years ago came to his rescue! It was Mary who not only got Johnny off in this trial for attempt rape but the trial he was convicted for his attempt to rape her, by Mary admitting that she lied, as well!

As for Ben Jorgenson and deputy sheriff Raynor they ended up in the clink,together with the bimbo they hired, in falsifying evidence in order to put an innocent man behind bars. With Johnny now a free man with no criminal record he can really start a new life, as an artist, in his home town of Santa Marta without worrying about people like Ben Jogenson and deputy sheriff Raynor making his life there a living hell!
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