Very mixed feelings
8 September 2011
This action drama about the black and tans against the Irish freedom fighters is sure to leave the viewer with mixed feelings.

This is a well done drama, no doubt, and the characters are very believable and identifiable, save for one very striking exception, the heroine, whose actions have no logic in plot or character.

However, the characters, with their Anglo Saxton perfection, look very much alike, and it becomes very confusing for most of the film, trying to tell one from the other.

During this time, the crux of the drama and the plot is not lost, however.

A very charismatic and responsible freedom leader is sought after by the black and tans. His sister is the object of attention of two of the men working with the black and tans, one of which is an Irishman.

A very good comic relief character and other good supporting characters help move the story in an entertaining way.

However, the motivation of the sister is bizarre at the least, and probably more in the line of unbelievable and disturbing, especially in the end.

On one hand, it is not very satisfying, and has many holes. On the other hand, the film is very entertaining, fast moving, and well constructed except for the confusion aspect.

This could have been a lot better. The fates of the characters seemed way too contrived and way too Hollywood. Well done, but needs a complete rewrite.
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