Review of Arthur

Arthur (I) (2011)
Tripe with a capital T
13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest I was never really a fan of the original film, but Dudley Moore played the wayward richly spoilt character of the movie title impeccably, he was a funny guy and knew about timing and physically was able to make us all believe he was as drunk as he was portraying. We felt sorry for him without hating him....this remake however...or re- telling as I keep hearing Helen Mirren describing it, is banal rubbish of the highest order. Russell Brand is about as funny as slowly drowning in a cess pit, and countless times during the movie I was almost compelled to cut my own head off....just NOT funny. I was under the impression that a comedic film was at least in parts suppose to make you laugh or tweak some flicker of entertainment inside the watcher....this was just a bore, and Brand is just a Boor. He could not garner one iota of sympathy from this watcher as his cringe inducing clumsy and embarrassing performance unravelled, positively unlike-able. In this film, the afore mentioned Helen Mirren causes further embarrassment as she delivers hackneyed, cliché's while playing 'Hobson'...what on earth was she thinking of?....dire.

This was 2 hours of 'humour' that seemed to be based on what was considered funny for 10 year olds in the early 70's on shows like 'Banana Splits'

Brand tries to be funny, a little like Clive Dunn's character in 'Dad's Army'...he can't act, he isn't funny, just a little sad, charmless and thoroughly annoying...and he does this for every second he is on screen....garbage.

Only consider watching this tripe if you have absolutely nothing at all in the world to do....ever.
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