Long distance motorcycling at its best
24 April 2011
I lived with this production for months as it took shape and although I am biased through my involvement, this DVD caught the essence of the event. This was done as a private record for those who took part but grew to get two public theater screenings one in Auckland and one in Wellington. The event is annual and get approximately 120 riders each year to take on the challenge of stamina of man and machine against New Zealand's roads and the clock. 1000 miles in 24 hours, against a backdrop of some of NZ's best roads and some more obscure ones as well. The scenery is great, the people are no nonsense died in the wool hard men (and women) to whom motorcycling is more than a profile trip to the local cafe.

If you like motorcycling, give it a watch. If you like to watch people having fun, give it a watch. A huge well done to Tim, Nic and their crew. Also to the riders who made it all happen. It has a great original soundtrack as well.
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