Neighbours: Episode #1.6047 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 6,047
"Do you think it's really a good idea, though, considering the whole street's practically at war?"
21 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Enormously better.The court room scenes work much better than in the previous episode, mainly because we get more than one of them and also because there's a real sense of the barristers vying for control of the situation, rather than Sam firing off a load of questions and not really getting anywhere.Her questioning of Doug is actually fairly competent if a bit off base.

The other stuff could have been terrible, with Donna organising a barbecue so people will make up, but if you overlook the fact half the street's missing, including Zeke who was involved in the arguing, it actually works well.Paul and Karl exchanging not-really-apologies is pitched just right, Andrew and Natasha get some nice moments and the interplay between Declan and Kate, while annoying at first, actually sees a long overdue airing of some dirty laundry, only let down by a fairly pat resolution.
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