Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Just call him Burt Reynolds, Jr.
3 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I keep seeing Adam Sandler movies because I'm desperate for laughs in these times. But I was disappointed once again. Grownups had too much juvenile "put down" humor. The buddies (the wives aren't given much to say or do) put down the kids, the adults, the mother-in-law, even the dog. Very lazy, shallow script that could have been a comedy classic. After 22 Sandler movies, I only rated 2 very good (50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore and Don't Mess with the Zohan). I hated Big Daddy because it taught kids it's OK to pee against the wall in the city. Grownups gives guys frequent leering of T&A. Yawn for us chicks, Adam Sandler has become like Burt Reynolds and his Smoky and the Bandit ol' boy buddy flicks. He gives all his friends small parts and plays the laid back dude. For that he now pockets $20 million plus a % of the gross. I said there was no justice in the world when he was worth "only" $50 million (after he made Mr. Deeds). Yes Grownups had some chuckles (I loved the cougar couple and the basketball showdown had some good recurring laughs and an all is well ending, but it was mostly just too predictable. Now that he's personally worth more than $300 million - per Celebrity Net Worth site - If only he'd part with some of it to pay more for scripts with more depth and some intelligent humor instead of the same old shallow plot with low class humor from beginning to end.
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