Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
Bruce Willis, you said it better.
6 June 2010
Well, the only worth entertainment in season 6, and in "The End" was the scene where characters find each other outside the Island. Obviously little effort is made to explain what the story is all about. I kept telling people the writers will NEVER be able to tie up loose ends. I was right!

So what I think of the show. It's a sort of 21st century version of buddish re-incarnation baptized in western version of Christianity (or otherwise), attempting to incorporate multi- cultural worldview. They even finally managed to find a Japanese actor who could actually play a role in English-based TV show (although English didn't taste good on his tongue, lol)!

At the end, what this show wanted to say spending 6 series and multiple characters, Bruce Willis managed to say in less than two hours of "The Sixth Sense" with a help of a cute boy.
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