Review of Idiocracy

Idiocracy (2006)
A true sign of things to come
23 January 2010
This is by far my favorite of the Mike Judge film trilogy.

Due to the survival and continued reproduction of the stupid the future looks bleak as it is run by idiots and only one man can save the future. An highly average man and a streetwalker had been frozen and left to wake up in the future which is not doing so well. Unfortunately sounding smart in a future where pro wrestling is at the height of intellectual thought makes him look fairly bad in the public eye. Our hero must try to survive as well as work on trying to save mankind from itself.

This movie is as written above my favorite of the mike judge movies. This movie works hard to leave you laughing out loud at the antics of the future people. I really think that the level of thought going into this makes it a fairly original piece and the comedy doesn't just dwell on the main character's misfortune (though there is still quite a bit of that here). I miss the just full out comedies and believe that this film is very much worth a watch.
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