Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II was a total waste of time and money!
28 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I am a fan of Rob Zombie's "The Devil's Rejects" and "House Of A 1000 Corpses." Also, I liked Rob Zombie's first Halloween. It wasn't great, but it was decent. I was looking forward to having a lot of fun watching this sequel; only to be set up for extreme disappointment. The movie lacked suspense. Also, for some reason, Rob must have thought that to be extremely loud is to be scary. Wrong! Also, Laurie Strode a/k/a Angel Myers was so whiny and unstable, I couldn't wait for her to be killed, which, sad to say, never happened. Every character was just a cookie cut-out waiting to be killed. There were many of the actors in which you didn't even get a good look at their faces before they were killed. The movie was disjointed and extremely loud and gory. I love gory, but this was a bit over the top. Michael Myers was popping up everywhere. It was too much like a Wile E. Coyote cartoon. Oh, I guess Sheri Moon Zombie wanted a bigger role. Wow! What a big mistake! She cannot act. And she was annoying. Also, Sam Loomis's character was only there to be killed off. Believe me, by the end of the movie, you'll be cheering for his death. I also didn't like the fact that the movie veered so much into her nightmares that most times you didn't know if it was real or just a nightmare; or was Michael Myers like Freddy Krueger and he could be anywhere. All of the characters were white trash and severely stupid. I never thought a movie could be so violent and gory yet be so dreadful and boring at the same time. As I was watching the movie, I kept thinking about the original Halloween 2. It was a much better movie. Also, Rob Zombie should know better! Introduce the characters and let us get to know them before you go and kill them. In this movie, Michael Myers went on a happy and silly killing spree, popping up everywhere at the same time, with such silly and extremely loud stabbing sounds! Rob, do you know what overkill is? Do you actually know how to write a decent screenplay without excessive "F" words? And can you write a movie without having to put your wife in it? It's not enough to have style, Rob, you also need to have some substance in there. Halloween 2 (2009) was just a stylish piece of crap.
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