Typical Christie Comedy
6 August 2009
Neal Burns and Edna Marion are off to Europe for their honeymoon in this typical Christie comedy, but there's a process server looking for him, played by Eddie Baker, so....

Christie's silent comedies were long on speed and short on gag construction in the 1920s: set-up, gag, set-up, gag, with little time for the audience to catch up. This is not to imply that the styles at Sennett, Educational or Roach were better, just calling for different tastes. Christie comedies tended to start each short from scratch, and while the various leads often played the same types from picture to picture, they rarely added up to a connected series. In fact, the actors were utility players, within the limits of costume changes.

Anyway, in this one, Baker pursues Burns onto the cruise ship, with a goodly number of quickly executed gags. If it's not to my taste -- I much prefer the stuff that Jack White was supervising at Educational or the Charley Chase shorts from Roach, the year this was made -- then too, there's nothing wrong with it. Give it a look and see if you like it better than I.
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