Review of Issues 101

Issues 101 (2002)
This is SO bad, and yet mysteriously enjoyable on some level.
26 April 2008
This is SO bad, and yet mysteriously enjoyable on some level. When I am not guffawing at the plot "twists," I am mesmerized by the miscasting. The age spread for college youth is abysmal. Joe looks old enough to be faculty.

Highlights for me include: 1. The musical sequences. 2. The ship on the door of the frat house. 3. Every time Steve pulls out "the book." 4. The dogma. 5. The bird track.

Get some crackers and your favorite processed cheese spread and give this sick puppy another viewing. Invite some friends over. It could be a great theme party. If you have a camcorder you and your guests could shoot a sequel. Don't forget the bird track.
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