There is something about the Coppola's ,this film is just about perfect!!
3 February 2008
I am so sorry I had to watch this film about three times to discover the brilliance it carries within; at first I thought "oh god, this is another ordinary rom/com" but no this is no ordinary film, IT IS FUNNY AS HELL AND REALISTIC AS LIFE IT SELF.

The casting is terrific and the fact that Bill Murray got an Oscar nomination was not a surprise for me considering he has done a brilliant job with Scarlett Johansson under the supervision of the beautiful Sofia Coppola.

The film about a man (Murray) who came to Tokyo to do some whiskey commercials and a newly wedded bride (Johansson) who met in the most extraordinary circumstances made the entertainment headlines in the year 2003; the film that witnessed the birth of Johansson's talent collected about 44 million Dollars in the US box office, which is a huge success for little film that didn't cost more than 10 million dollars.

And After I watched it for the third time I said to my self "GOOD GOD, am I that stupid not to notice the brilliance of this gem, it is really something", this film is just not lucky being produced the same year as the great the return of the king.

Now are you guys interested in such film making? Ask the Coppola's there is something about them.

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