Review of Sexy Beast

Sexy Beast (2000)
An amazing performance by Ben Kingsley,,,
4 January 2008
... can't hide the fact that this is a very poor, boring film. The story is minimal, the sound horrible and, Kingsley aside, the characters undeveloped and listless. The normally excellent Ray Winstone mumbles his way around the few lines that he has (nobody has many, after all) in a permanent daze; his wife and friends are mere cyphers and completely uninteresting, while Ian McShane and James Fox have little more import on the film than a couple of extras.

If you can stand to see Kingsley's frighteningly realistic portrayal of a psychopath then go ahead and watch the film; just don't expect to be entertained (unless you like looking at fat blokes in their swimming trunks -


double whammy here as even the robbery takes place underwater).

Oh and the relevance of the film's title, 'Sexy Beast'? Absolutely none.
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