Review of 1408

1408 (2007)
solid horror movie
24 June 2007
First I should say I went in with high expectations, based on reviews I had read here. I'm usually disappointed, but this time I wasn't. The story has a good pace. They don't feel the need to explain every little detail, which is always appreciated. The special effects were used quite a bit, not overused, and there were some classic camera tricks that I really enjoyed. Overall, very well done. I did get scared at some points, but I was never grossed out and you don't have to watch any long, dull, uncomfortable torture scenes - though there is plenty psychological torture. And the best part is you don't really know how it's going to end - I'm sure you could guess if you tried, but they don't give everything away before it happens. I have to agree with one of the other reviews I read - the sound editing is outstanding as well. Early in the movie the main character's ears start to ring. Ususally having your ears ring is a very internal experience - your the only one who can hear it and it's just in your head. I think that scene really sucks you into the movie physically.

Overall, I would say it's the best new horror movie I've seen in years. Not just a good horror, but a good movie.
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