Amazing Stories: Welcome to My Nightmare (1986)
Season 2, Episode 4
'It will rot your socks off'
29 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Harry is a teenage movie addict. He has a special VCR that he uses as an alarm clock; he sets it so he is woken up by the shower scene in 'Psycho'. He watches so many movies that he begins to lose touch with reality; for example, there's a scene in which he thinks he sees zombies. His social life seems to be non-existent; he even declines when the girl next door, who obviously likes him, invites him to her birthday party. His parents and his brother tell him that life isn't as perfect and predetermined as a movie and that he should live and learn so that he will be able to write his own happy ending. But Harry thinks that real life is too ordinary. He leaves the house, saying he wants to have adventures and escape to the world of movies. He asks God to grant him his wish: his life should be as good as a movie, at least once. A shooting star can be seen...

Harry goes to a cinema. When he enters the projection room, he suddenly finds himself in Bates' motel. His wish has been fulfilled, but he's not in a dream world but in a nightmare. Norman Bates is after him. Will he be able to escape?

I think this episode is similar to 'Remote Control Man' (#1.10). (Both stories have the same message: don't watch too much TV (or too many movies), or you may ruin your life. And in both stories the real world and the world of movies mingle.) So I think the basic idea of this episode is not very original, but I still liked it. Especially some small details and jokes that are really funny in my opinion. For example: Harry's VCR alarm clock; the cinema Harry goes to is called 'The Comet', and there has been a shooting star (perhaps a comet) shortly before Harry arrives at the cinema; he enters the movie world through a magic ticket (reminded me of 'Last Action Hero'); the movie playing at the cinema is called 'Welcome to the Nightmare' and has the tag line 'It will rot your socks off' - and Harry can be seen barefoot in his 'Psycho'-nightmare.

I think some of the other episodes are better (and more original) than this one, but I think it's well done and funny and deserves eight points. And I think if you liked 'Remote Control Man' you'll probably like this episode too and should consider watching it if you have the chance.
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