Much less than meets the eye
2 January 2007
Although this film has been represented as an amazing view at the battle from the Japanese point of view, it had very little new to say and was clumsily plotted and directed.

For example, the island comes under aerial bombardment. The next shot shows the troops huddling in the caves under what has obviously been continuous shelling, which must come from offshore ships. We never hear of the arrival of these ships, and soon afterwards the message comes that the American fleet is on its way from Saipan. So who's offshore firing at the island? There's little connection between the scenes in the caves, which seem too much like sets, and the larger tactical situation outside. If you don't already know much about the battle, you'll be a little confused at the end of this movie. No mention of made of how long the Japanese held out (30 days), how many troops died on either side, or as to why the island was a desirable target. Not much mention was made of the lessons the commander must have taken from previous island invasions and how he used them to his advantage. More wide view shots of the approaching Americans or the Japanese positions would have helped. Even if the point of view of the common soldier was limited, he would have been aware of his location on the island and where the enemy was.

As for Mount Suribachi, I had heard that napalm was dropped from aircraft, covering the mountain and asphyxiating most of the Japanese in the caves. As a result, there was very little fighting on the mountain itself. This seems at great odds with the film's depiction.

Other oddities - what happened to the blood on Saigo's face from his exploding comrades? It disappears very quickly. And where was the massive effort digging the miles of tunnels must have taken? We get 10 seconds of someone picking at the face of a cliff, and in the next shot the tunnels are all done. Swell, that was easy! However, we do learn that that both Americans and Japanese have loving families and caring mothers. Huh.
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