Go Tigers! (2001)
You Don't Get It if you don't go there
3 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My brother plays football for Massillon and to see people take shots at the school for one very bad coach is awful. If you did not go to Massillon you don't get the movie. Coach Sheepis was the worst coach he was the reason our football team had such a bad rep. but now that Coach Stacy is coaching the team it is so much better we had good GPA's and we went to state so to all the people who said bad stuff you need to reconsider what you said.

P.S. The town is not just about football our choir which i am in has gone to state every year and has gotten a medal. Also the town is not crazy we are just supportive and going to the football games are very fun you get to hang out with friends and have team spirit too.

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