A thin film
5 May 2006
I am sure the die hards will hate my assessment, but the film is very thin. Unless you happen to enjoy Keeler's self conscious winking at the audience in a "shucks-aren't-I-amusing" kind of way the movie will fall flat. This is the intellectual equivalent of HeeHaw, just for a different demographic. The plot is hackneyed, and nothing much really happens.

There is some increbibly fine acting, and the scene between Marylouise Burke, Virginia Madsen and L.Q. Jones is some of the best acting I have seen in many a day. It is amazingly moving. Lohan, Tomlin and Streep all comport themselves beautifully and take turns warbling in pleasant ways. Madsen's character is the most interesting thing on screen, and one wishes she had many more scenes.

If this were the best film of the year, as one commentator suggests, this is a very weak year.
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