The Fog (2005)
Carpenter my son; you have sinned...!
21 March 2006
I wasn't expecting a great deal from this movie; I am a self-confessed fan of the Original (A great hokey ghost story, that doesn't really take itself too seriously) so thought I would give the remake a try from the local Blockbuster...boy what a mistake...

Everything that was done right the first time around seems to have been deliberately done wrong this time; the total unbelievability of every single "Actor/Actress" involved and the complete lack of "Character driven acting" means this lumbers along at little over 80 mins (thank god), giving the audience a regular fix of CGI Ghosts, flashback sequences and pointless history that adds nothing what-so-ever to the plight of the characters that night!! To remake this film is a mistake of the highest order; as much like Halloween, the original stands the test of time because it solidly personifies a moment in cinema history, that could never occur again...memories of a past era of cinema caught on film.

I may sound cynical; but each and every remake seems to solidly bear the banner of "Cash Cow" film making, JC knows he has had his best years in Hollywood during the 70's and 80's; the current trend of "Documentary" style and realistic raw & gritty filming of footage, do not compliment Mr Carpenters unique style; and he does not seem capable of moving with the times...

I would warn any fan of early JC works; away from this corporate exercise in cold money making over substance. Do yourself a favour and watch Assault on Precinct 13 Original once more; or face the sad truth of a director now "Born outta time"!
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