Gordon Keith (Frank Sellers) is absolutely brilliant in this movie! He is a genius in this great comedy. I highly recommend picking this up at blockbuster sometime. I think he should be knighted for such a performance. I laughed, I cried, I cheered...Lady Gordon Keith makes me want to go out and become a better person with his jarring performance in "Shtickmen". Gordo's performance can simply be summed up in three words...poetry in motion. I went and saw the movie and as I exited the theater, I saw Mike Rhyner exiting as well. I stopped him and asked him what he thought of Gordon Keith and he said "I wept bitter tears when that movie was over. Not because it was sad, but because I'll never get to have that feeling of experiencing this great film for the first time ever again. Myself and the rest of the "Petty Theft" members will have to write a song about his brilliant performance." I was shocked! Rhynes just gave me the shocker with those words. "But Petty Theft only plays Tom Petty covers!" I told him. He smiled at me "His performance was so inspiring, I think Petty Theft can go outside the box for our next song"