Night Fangs (2005)
Someone, anyone: pull out my eyeballs
25 October 2005
... though it would be better if you could reverse the flow of time by 98 minutes, and THEN pullout my eyeballs, before I sat down to watch 'Night Fangs'. Sometimes, a director with vision and an artistic eye can create a really good, creepy little horror film, using a low budget and a lot of imagination. This isn't one of those times. 'Night Fangs' was truly one of the worst films I've ever seen -- as a vampire film, it failed on every possible level. Crap storyline, crap acting, crap script, unerotic, and of course, not the slightest bit frightening. This wasn't even junior high-caliber stuff, folks: Spanky and the Gang could have pulled together a show scarier than this. Save a few brain cells and find something, ANYTHING, else to do other than watching this "film". I beg of you.
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