Review of Leprechaun

Leprechaun (1993)
Ha Ha !! This Movie is so Stupid its Hilarious
17 September 2005
I've seen this movie a couple times before but today I realize how really stupid it is. Not that thats a bad thing, its entertaining. It's one of those movies thats so stupid its funny. You got this crazy leprechaun running around this farm messing with these kids all day long. He comes up with all these leprechaun rhymes that are so corny. All he keeps saying is "I want is me gold". The whole movie: " ME GOLD,ME GOLD, ME GOLD" I know you gotta pay dues, but I know Jennifer Aniston doesn't remind anyone that she's in this movie. 1 key part that was funny is when she's in the elevator after being chased by the leprechaun through the nursing home,and the old man that the leprechaun killed gets thrown through the top of the elevator. Think his name was Mr.O'Grady. Even though the dude is near death he has the final dramatic final speech for Jenn. For some reason at this point he develops the leprechaun's accent. "In order to kill em ya needs a 4 leaf clover, freshly plucked from the garden", or something like that its so funny. Then close to the end the fat dude is like we can find the 4 leaf clover if you believe we can find it. And as soon as he says it they find 1. They kill him and all that good stuff, then the police automatically show up after its all over and done with. They call the police all night but when it's all over, like 5-6 cop cars show up. Situations such as these just crack me up.
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