Batman Begins (2005)
The way Batman should be!
25 June 2005
Growing up watching the Batman series and movies I have alway held Batman above all other super heroes.However, even though I loved all the Batman movies, I never thought any did Batman justice since Micheal Keaton. But now my hopes were full filled. The story plays out at a fast pace yet it explains it self quit well. The plot has its twists and turns but I found that my mind was always one step ahead. Unlike the recent Batman movies, Batman Begins is set in a more realistic Gotham City and a more reality based society. The comic book look is still there with its long shots of the city but it does not over do it. The Characters are more believable also, Christian Bale does an excellent job, his style suits the Billionaire who is not a money hungry rat, but a Billionaire who wants to do more for the people. I could never understand Bruce Wayen's mind extensively until now. Micheal Caine as Alfred was an excellent choice and I think he was exceptional, but I did miss the original Alfred. Morgan Freeman was his usual best and a lovable character. Liam Neeson was truly mind warping, he defines what an actor should be, I think Hollywood should recognize him more. Katie Holmes was also good but her character and place in the story kept reminding me of Mary Jane from Spiderman. But all the leading women in Superhero movies seem to go along these lines also. I recommend any one who wants to have a rush and leave the movie learning more about how humanity is should go and watch Batman Begins. 10/10!
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