Annoying details at the end
26 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is an entertaining movie and fitting closure to the first Star Wars trilogy. And I still enjoy watching it. But there are some minor details that bugs me more and more for each time I see it. It's in the last half hour, during the battle on forest moon Endor, that the annoying details just keep piling up. Maybe some hardcore Star Wars fans can correct me on these: R2-D2 becomes mysteriously mobile in the rugged forest as it seems he has strolled down to the entrance to the base all on his own. Amazing feat, considering he seems to stumble on minor obstacles anywhere else in the three movies. Oh well. Thats a minor detail, a much bigger, more annoying one is that the Storm Troopers gets knocked out by sticks and small stones thrown at them. Why bother with a helmet if it actually does more harm than good?? And finally, when Chewbacca comes along in the big, what are they called again - walker? He doesn't just blast the entrance open. No, they have to use it to "lure" out the hapless guards. Well, the single most annoying "detail" is the stormtroopers getting knocked out by small sticks and stones.
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