I want to DIE!!
18 February 2005
Goodness. To think that I could have been doing something else with my time, such as sitting on the toilet, sleeping, or plucking my eyebrows out with red hot tweezers.

I don't want to repeat what everyone has said already, so I'll just add my two cents: IT'S THAT BAD.

What makes me really upset is how these movies even get made. Who's responsibility was it to screen these movies? Don't they show it to audiences beforehand? How did this get into theaters?! Threre was severe breakdown somewhere within Lions Gate in order for this film to get the green light. Amazing.

On the positive side, this gives me more hope that I can throw some random nonsense together and get it on the big screen.

Please avoid, unless you want severe psychological trauma.

1 star (I wish that I could give it lower!!)
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