Lichnyy nomer (2004)
A quite watchable propaganda piece.
4 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Lichny Nomer (Service Number) explores a brand new genre for Russian filmmakers: a politically-charged B-action movie. It comes complete with cheesy script, bad dialogues, unidimensional characters, and of course lousy acting.

The film draws many parallels to actual events and individuals and is not even trying to hide it. It appears that the goal of the filmmakers (and their masters) is not just to capitalize on the blood of the victims of recent terrorist acts in Russia, but also to brainwash the viewer into the acceptance of the official version of events and the Putin Party Line, if you will. The references to the Evil London Oligarkh, Katar the Terrorist Heaven, The Chechen-Arab Connection, The Terrorist Masters From Overseas, and of course the KGB apartment building bombing conspiracy theory are so obvious that it's not even funny. Unlike it was in in real life, in this movie all government agencies operate with amazing efficiency, all hostages are rescued with minimal casualties, and no terrorists get away. Well, what do you expect from the movie that was actually sponsored by the Russian government?

What I did like about this movie: decent directing and editing, good action, lots of military hardware, and amazing action sequences. The scene with the BMP crushing and jumping over police cars in the getaway scene was very nicely done, but the plane landing sequence was really something. Actually, believe it or not, there are no special effects here, no computer animation of any sort. It looks unreal because it is real. The massive IL-76 cargo plane actually performed everything you see on the screen, including landing sideways, knocking down construction hardware with its massive wings (with actual fuel tanks in them), and crashing into a pile of concrete. 2 planes were used for this scene, and both were turned into wreckage because the first take was not convincing enough. My hat is off to the pilot who performed the stunt, a Russian Air Force general.

Another nice touch that is a stack smashing attack against the bomb-controlling computer, performed over the satellite link and a Bluetooth connection. I rest my case against Independence Day with its virus uploading scene ;)

Verdict: a quite watchable propaganda piece. ** out of *****
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