Review of Solaris

Solaris (2002)
Uninspiring - feels like a soap opera.
29 September 2003
I had originally thought this movie was a psychological space drama. It turned out to be an overlong, poorly thought out flashback into the romantic life of the protagonist.

The direction is quite good, it is just that we see the wrong scenes all the time. The first couple of scenes (until Mr. Handsome Psychiatrist gets to Solaris) are well made - and promising. Good use of sounds and photography lead you to believe that you are about to watch a gripping space thriller/psychological drama. However, the arrival of the good doctor to the station is.. lacking. He sees blood - but there is no sense of mystery or suspense when we see the blood. He wanders around the station alone - he talks to a couple of characters . It is not cohesive. At all. Just like. I don't know. It is not that the story does not make sense - the problem is the ill choice of scenes. The director chose to concentrate on Chris - a lot of scenes are wasted exploring his past with his wife. We don't need to know his past - it's irrelevant. And yet, it takes up more than half of the movie. That, and seeing him sleeping in his bed. It's boring.
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