SHOULD be throttled
2 July 2003
There is no rule that says action films must be totally logical and grounded in reality; in fact, that would be a bad idea, sucking all of the fun out of the genre.

This sequel, however, goes so far in the opposite direction from logic and reality that I began to wonder if it was actually a Naked Gun-type spoof. The rules of physics and physiology were apparently dropped from the helicopter at the beginning of the film and never seen again. Obviously no one intended for this film to be taken totally seriously, but as the film grew more and more ludicrous, I grew more and more frustrated.

Good actors like Luke Wilson, John Cleese and others are wasted in subplots that go absolutely nowhere. Was the kid added to the plot to enable us to see Bosley's family, or was Bosley's family added as a place to park the kid? Who knows and who cares?

I enjoyed the first film quite a bit. Have my tastes changed THAT much, or is this film just so much worse?
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