Review of Equilibrium

Equilibrium (2002)
apples 1984 commercial, brave new world, and the matrix
10 December 2002
Christian Bale brings an explosive presence to the screen in this film, with a similar stoic presence as that in American Psycho. The plot is simply a rehash of big brother taking over and controlling us. Nothing new or novel there. But lets face it this movie isn't there for the story, it's there for the action. This movie has some great action sequences that won't disappoint in the least.

The amount of gunfire in this movie is enough to make a rock star go deaf. But what's an action movie with out the guns. The best thing about the majority of the action sequences is the fact that are "fairly" believable. No people flying around in the air. No crazy jumping 50 feet into the air and crashing through a 2 foot by 2 foot window only to do a flip and land pointing your guns at the window.

The action is pure speed, quick cuts, fast views, sharp angles. The direction and camera work was well done. The film keeps a fairly good pace throughout and keeps your interest 'til the end. As for the acting it's not an Oscar performance, but not bad either. Bale actually delivers a fairly good performance.

Now with any review people people basically want to know "Will I like t?" -- Well if you want to see some seriously fun and entertaining action, yes you will. If you want a love story -- ehh probably not.

Final Verdict: Worth the money to see in the theater, unless you have a super sweet home theater system. But my preference is still the theater.
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