Monkeys in cages!
14 March 2001
I live just outside of West Hollywood, California, where this picture is supposed to have taken place. Every weekend, I drive into the city to see my friends and venture out socially. We are all gay and around the same age. Funny how when we're out and about, we don't recite dialog from `Auntie Mame,' `Steel Magnolias,' or vintage Bette Davis movies. We don't call each other ‘bitches,' nor do we camp it up by dressing in drag periodically. If you saw us all together, you wouldn't think anything. And why should you? We act just like anyone else.

Sadly, the writers of this film would make you believe otherwise. I was very disappointed when I saw this film drag out all the old stereotypes, almost as if they had a checklist. Even the gratuitous funeral scene (in every gay movie there has to be at least one!).

Give me a break! I'm tired of screaming queens representing the gay community in film! Get a grip! Why can't Hollywood tell the truth? To the masses, we'll always be monkeys in cages, thanks to films like this.
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