Review of Pitch Black

Pitch Black (2000)
In the wrong place at the wrong time...If you like sci-fi, you might as well see this.
10 December 2000
It isn't a stinker and has some interesting features. The plot isn't totally derivative and the characterization and human interactions are fairly complex. The acting is decent, the low budget is not a problem, and the dialog....well, it sure doesn't zing, but I don't remember groaning aloud at any point like I did in Mission to Mars. The creatures are not badly conceived and have some cool special effects in their perception of light.

Unfortunately, there are some stupid moves on the part of almost every character except Riddick (Vin Diesel steals the show), who is the consummate survivor. He maintains your interest throughout -- you are never quite sure if he has redeeming qualities, besides some reflective stuff on his eyeballs, physical courage, strength etc. Not that he is in any danger of breaking out in a spot of bon homie.

A boon: The ending is actually not predictable. Try guessing if any of them survive, and if so, which. Well, its clear some of them are just not gonna make it, but after that, try guessing.

Low points you can pass over: What lousy luck arriving at just exactly this point in the 22 year cycle. Why doesn't somebody figure out how long the eclipse will last? How did these dark-adapted creatures evolve on a planet with decades of intense sunlight. How is it that barely fluorescent worms work as a deterrent? Are the energy units indestructible that they can be bashed on the ground for several miles?

I gave it a 6 of 10 and didn't feel like I wasted the rental fee.
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