Review of X-Men

X-Men (2000)
hope part 2 is better
24 September 2000
too much hype over nothing special. magnetto is the best here. can't wait to see gambit and hopefully he'll have a more manly role than awful Marsden as cyclops. Is this WOLVERINE? or is it X MEN? This is the big flaw here. A movie based on a team is practically based on one character. And even though Jackman was good in his role, we all know for a fact(even though we don't admit it) that it could have been better cast. The effects are good. The dialogue could have had many more lines. the music was pathetic and was obviously quickly orchestrated due to the film's early release date. This is more of an intro to what's about to come..I hope so anyway...cause i want to see more of the cyclops of the comics. why couldn't they just put Dennis Quaid? AH pathetic. And what's this? No songs in the soundtrack? ahhah come on! Where's the rock soundtrack? PS: the individual fight scenes were decent, but this movie would have been better directed by the Matrix guys
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