It felt real to me...
12 July 2000
If you read all the comments on this movie, you get the idea that people either love or hate it. It's that kind of movie. I really like it, I own it, I watch it when it comes on cable. Someone commented on Philip Seymour Hoffman's videotaping of his reasons for leaving Erin and then taking the VCR, and asked is life really that cold? Yes, it is. People are a part of it, and they can be that petty...and that's what this movie is about - people. Good, bad, honest, dishonest, charming and otherwise... And the characters all look and talk and act like real people, people you might know. Okay, the whole gangster thing could have been excised, and the fake Brazilian guy was annoying, but all in all it makes sense. I like the fact that Erin is, what, 31? and Alan is 35...I'm 35 and it seems like everyone these days in movies is about 26. Nice to see people "my age!"

And hey, any movie that can make the Blue Line look romantic and Revere Beach look beautiful has to have something going for it!
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