My second comment, but
17 March 2001
I had originally reviewed this movie a year after I saw it, and in my review, I gave it restrained praise. 'Does it have it's flaws. Yes. It does go on a bit too long, and Minnie Driver's character borders on caricature'. After rewatching, I have to take those two comments back. It didn't seem too long during the second viewing, and Minnie Driver's character had real depth, something I had missed on my original viewing.

However, one thing that I have to comment on is the script. It felt much better the second time around. Damon and Affleck have a natural ability to create dialogue that flows, almost like lyrics to a song. None of it seems forced, and it becomes quite moving in several scenes. The scenes between Williams and Damon are so well written, and are acted very precisely, they become quite powerful.

The music also works quite well, something else that I overlooked in my first viewing. I'm glad I watched it again, and it's status had certainly risen in my mind.
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