A very strong performance by Anthony Hopkins, Bart the Bear, and Alec Baldwin, in that order, in a film that deals with the important subjects of virtue, wisdom, and morality. I can understand why some of the modern audience might find that to be a turn-off. The sets and locations alone are worth a rental, especially of the DVD, the haunting Goldsmith score lingers in the memory and enhances the viewer's pleasure in the film. What a joy it is to see a film that is tautly and expertly written, that tells the salient details of the plot but leaves you guessing--through repeated viewings--of the whys, wheres and whens of the development. If you favor serious drama--if you relish philosophy--if you don't need a film spoon fed to you or so puerile that they try to stun you with explosions--you will enjoy The Edge. My choice of a collegiate vocabulary in this review is deliberate.