The Best Of All The Star Wars Movies
20 February 2001
The most accomplished film of the whole Star Wars series. Not only is the plot more interesting-darker and technically intriguing-but for once in the Star Wars prequels, the performances are interesting and have at least enough depth to complement the plot.

If you have not seen the film, do not read on!! Many set pieces within the film spring to mind, most noteably the battle on Hoth, where the whiteness invades the screen creating a beautiful visceral backdrop for the jaw dropping action. And, of course the revelation that Darth Vader is Luke's Father. Not only is this as big a twist as an avid film fan will find anywhere in film history, but the lightsaber battle involving Father and Son excites and involves the viewer like few movie head to heads ever screened.

Overall, it excels Episode IV on plot (although the original lays out the blue prints) and performances, and although Jedi presents us with some phenomenal showboating from Lucas, I simply have to prioritise Empire for it's blackness, it's humour and it's ability to actually involve you with the characters.
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