The BEST WWII Modern Movie
2 September 2000
Having seen both this and 'Ryan' I find that this film--for all the heroics of Lee Marvin and Mark Hamill--is by far to be preferred. The difference is that a veteran of the U.S. First Division DIRECTED the film--its action is as real as he and his memories are. Lee Marvin's portrayal of the Sarge is as grim and gritty as the role requires, proof of his talent, and the film does not flinch at all from the darkest horrors of its subject. And yet, and yet, it manages to end on an uplifting note of human decency.

An addition--two years ago I found and purchased the three-hour extended version on DVD, cut footage having been mercifully saved from oblivion. Be grateful this was so. There are more courses at the feast, the meal is far more rich and satisfying, the film goes from a great film to a very great film. I am doubtful that World War II will ever get a better individual treatment than that provided by the three-hour extended version of this epic. Kudos to the Denver Film festival for featuring and celebrating the production of the full version of this masterpiece.
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